Saturday, February 22, 2014

Flower Curtain

Finally this flower curtain is done. I am very pleased how it looks in my knitting stdio:)
I found this pattern on Pinterest and it led me to Robin Sanchez's blog. She has a very clear tutorial about this flower curtain. You can find her here
Mine made bigger than hers. I didn't made plan how the color goes.  I just random picked up color in each flower and attatched one to anothe at last round. I made totoal 33 flowers and 4 half flower. Each flower is about 6".
Yarn: 100% cottorn --"I love this cotton "from Hobby Lobby.
Crochet hook: H 5.oo mm.
My kniting/quilting friends loved how it looks. Thery all think it is gret project hang on a knitting studio:))))