Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Love story ---- triangle shawl

It took me long enough to finish this shawl. I made this for my niece Jennifer as a wedding gift. It is joyful red with this beautiful design, It turned out really good. This pattern from Nacy Bush's book --Knitted lace of estonia -techniques, patterns, and tradition. If you love lace workk, this is must have knitting lacy book. There is lot to learn with great pattern and techniques for lacy work. I hope you enjoy thoese photos as much as I look it throug my camera.
I used 100% cashmer, Chinese brand yarn. 2 strands of lace yarn, 100g. To knit a shawl, it really won't take so much yarn. so why won't we get a best quality of yarn to show your best work.

I use Soak to wash this shawl. I got this from a yarn store and I like it . I fold shawl nicely in a towel to let more water out.  For blocking, I pin three corner first then start pin out from one corner. This shawl is easier blocking than I thought. I didn't use blocking form,  I just did on my carpet floor, It works great for me .